Standard 8-inch blocks are palletized in two side-by-side rows 6 blocks high and 6 blocks wide. This is equivalent to 72 blocks. Pallet dimensions are approximately 48" long x 36" wide x 48" high.
When stacking 3 rows of standard 8-inch blocks side-by-side in a width of 6 rows x 5 rows high, you will have 90 blocks instead of 72. The approximate pallet dimensions are 48″ wide x 48″ long x 40″ high.
How to Stack the Mixed Pallet Boxes?
A pallet of 6-inch blocks usually stacked on either side, 3 rows long x 4 rows wide x high. This equates to 96 blocks. Pallet dimensions are approximately 48" long x 32" wide x 48" high.
Block pallets can hold more or less blocks depending on what you order. For example, if you order 120 6-inch blocks, most dealers will stack the extra 24 blocks on a full 96 pallet instead of sending two pallets.
Most pallets are 40″ wide x 48″ long, which is why blocks are often stacked longer than they are wide. When standard 8″ blocks are stacked 90 on a pallet, they require a larger pallet than usual. For this reason, 72 is the most common size.
How Much Does a Pallet of Concrete Blocks Weigh?
The 8 inch x 8 inch x 16 inch standard binder block pallet weighs 1.30 short tons or 1.16 long tons or 1.18 tons. There are 72 blocks in a brick machine pallet. Use an online bulk pallet weigher for more accurate results. This is the volume of one CMU block for you.
What Is a Block Board?
Pallet block is a type of pallet with 9 solid wood blocks placed in 4 corners of the pallet. Normally, the dimensions of the block pallet are 100 x 120 cm and it can be lifted with a forklift on any of the four sides. Compared with wire pallet, it is much stronger and more durable. The block table is also known as the four-item table.
How to Stack the Mixed Pallet Boxes?
Depending on your business, you may need to pack a different pallet with different box shapes and weights each time. While this may not be the most exciting Tetris game, there are a few tricks that make stacking a pallet with mixed boxes easier:
Start with the largest and heaviest boxes. There are larger boxes on the bottom that create a solid and tilt-resistant base.
If the smaller boxes weigh much more than the larger ones, place the smaller, heavier boxes as the first layer, then place the larger, lighter boxes on top. This will ensure that the heavier boxes do not crush the lighter boxes causing the stack to tilt. Try to put boxes of the same size next to each other.
Arrange each layer so that it matches the ends of the boxes from the previous layers.
Keep the pallet square or rectangular and avoid pyramiding. Shapes are what give structure to the palette.
When you're done palletizing, wrap tape around each layer for extra strength.
Cost of Cement Block Wall
Building a wall with binder blocks costs between $60 and $240 per square foot or $15 to $30 per square foot. A 10' long cinder block fence costs between $600 and $2,400 to install. The block price is $1 to $5 per block or $115 to $225 per pallet (70 to 90 blocks). Labor cost to place CMU blocks add $5-10 per block